Live Inspired - A Daily Inspiration

Sharing positive insights with those I know--this really works, when we put our minds to it, think it, visualize it, put it in writing . . . what is your passion?

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How We Survived A Double Layoff

This article came from The Women's Conference, a LinkedIn group:

In today's ever-changing work environment, it makes sense to have a back-up plan, a Plan B. If you don't have a back-up plan, now is a good time to start one.

People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

Get A Flexible Work Life

The Meaning of Labor Day

Hope all had a wonderful holiday whether it was at home or out-of-town, solo or with family and friends, let's always remember the importance of this day, in light of the fact that we have many today who are out of work and are not laboring as they should . . . and are looking for better days ahead . . .

The History of Labor Day

Produce Greatness | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read

Sharing a great article about success by two famous music leaders . . . get inspired and follow your dreams!
Produce Greatness | SUCCESS Magazine | What Achievers Read

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