Reminder--SBVC Website Migration: Learning Opportunities March 21-31


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Learning Opportunities

(See the attached schedule for details)


To Register or for additional information contact:

SBVC Professional and Organizational Development

S. Courtney Hunter

(909) 384-8623

Note: Additional training will be announced for April


Professional Development Opportunity: 3CSN's Contextualized Teaching and Learning



LINKS 3:Contextualized Teaching and Learning (CTL)

March 18, 2011

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Location: Glendale Community College


Are students on your campus struggling to succeed in basic skills sequence, transfer, and vocational courses?

How can you support your students’ completion of courses and programs?


Don’t miss it! It’s not too late! Come join your basic skills, GE, CTE, and counseling colleagues to explore the value of


Contextualized teaching and learning. CTL  is designed to capture students’ attention by helping them see the relevance of the classroom information in their own lives and find and create meaning by drawing from prior experiences and knowledge. Contextualized teaching and learning embeds essential skills and/or study skills, the practices of theme-based, project-based, CTE, and/or service learning curriculum in order to achieve course outcomes.


A few examples of Contextualized Teaching and Learning:

  • A nutrition class in which students conduct surveys of random people on campus to see what their eating habits are then students develop a report and graph and draw conclusions
  • A sociology class at LA Mission College with a "Denim Day" project in which students conduct field research for sexual assault awareness and prevention that inform student presentations and reports which are presented publicly.
  • An accounting instructor who asks students to act as consultants to simulated companies. They then have to provide a report and present to the class how they solved that company's problem.
  • An office technology class in which students are assigned to offices on campus to do actual office work for 4-6 weeks.
  • An ESL class in which students plan a vacation in an English speaking country and are given a specific budget (including transportation, housing, food, and entertainment) and told that they cannot add to or come home with any of the vacation funds.

Contextualized Teaching and Learning can also help colleges build smart program designs to structure stackable certificates and/or “chunked” academic course sequence pathways that lead to meaningful wage gains and build toward longer-term certificates, degrees, and/or transfer.


Visit the 3CSN website to learn more about Contextualize Teaching and Learning  and to Register for Links 3.


For more information contact:


Jennifer Mendoza, PhD

Faculty Regional Coordinator/Inland Empire,

California Community Colleges' Success Network (
BSI Professional Development Grant

(909) 384-8972 (Office)
























Hello, everyone. I hope all is well.


I’m really looking forward to seeing all of you at our LINKS 3 event at Glendale Community College, on March 18th.  We have a great agenda plan for that day, and exciting speakers.  Additionally, there has been some confusion regarding Contextualized Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the past.  The following attachment provides further examples of CTL.  Please register as soon as possible, thanks.


Glad to hear that you had a great regional meeting last Friday. Meeting notes will be set out in the near future, still gathering all of the presentation materials from speakers. On another note, please SAVE THE DATE...FIER Conference, September 30, 2011 at Mt. SAC.  More details to come…


Lastly, this is a great video by Sir Ken Robinson, on Changing Paradigms. Scott Lay sent this video out last year, in October. Not sure how many of you had the opportunity to view the video, if not, take a look.


Have a great weekend!

