Sabbatical Leave 2011-2012: Informational Meetings


sabbatical leave informational session extended fall 2010.jpg

It Is Not Too Late to Register---California Community Colleges' Success Network: Accessing Student Voices to Create a Design/Mind Space for Faculty


California Community Colleges' Success Network (
BSI Professional Development Grant



Accessing Student Voices to Create a Design/Mind Space for Faculty


 November 19, 2010

10:00 AM - 02:30 PM


Location: San Bernardino Valley College


         North Hall Room (NHR) 221


In this half-day workshop facilitated by Tom deWit and Sean McFarland from the Acceleration in Context Initiative (AIC), faculty will build a creative and analytical space to revisit and reimagine their classroom practices. Two related facts serve as a foundation for the day:

§  Students have the Capacity to do far more than what is often asked of them; and,


§  Students accelerate when the teacher trusts in this Capacity. Likewise, faculty Capacity will be invoked as part of this workshop's focus on classroom redesign. Faculty will consider how weaving Love into the classroom can be an explicit strategy for leveraging Capacity and for integrating students' affective and cognitive domains.


Faculty will also be invited to consider ways to integrate Inquiry and Student Voices into the classroom. The ongoing project spearheaded by McFarland inside the Faculty Inquiry Network-"Student Voices Across California"-will serve as a backdrop.

The core concepts of Capacity, Love, Inquiry and Student Voices will lay the groundwork for entering into an intellectual and aesthetic arena called Design/Mind. Design/Mind is an AIC professional development approach where faculty collaboratively design lessons, practices, and curriculum models that reconnect faculty with their discipline, bring students to the center of their own learning and respond to the evolving dynamic found in any classroom.

Attendees will also be introduced to a network of colleagues doing similar work around the state. This workshop will be of value to anyone interested in completion, acceleration or effective teaching. Please RSVP in advance.

For more information contact:


Jennifer Mendoza, PhD

Faculty Regional Coordinator/Inland Empire,

California Community Colleges' Success Network (
BSI Professional Development Grant

(909) 384-8972 (Work) (regional website)




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SBVC Professional and Organizational Development