Happy Holidays From SBVC Professional Development Committee
It Is Not Too Late to Register---California Community Colleges' Success Network: Accessing Student Voices to Create a Design/Mind Space for Faculty
California Community Colleges' Success Network (http://3csn.org)
BSI Professional Development Grant
Accessing Student Voices to Create a Design/Mind Space for Faculty
November 19, 2010
10:00 AM - 02:30 PM
Location: San Bernardino Valley College
North Hall Room (NHR) 221
In this half-day workshop facilitated by Tom deWit and Sean McFarland from the Acceleration in Context Initiative (AIC), faculty will build a creative and analytical space to revisit and reimagine their classroom practices. Two related facts serve as a foundation for the day:
§ Students have the Capacity to do far more than what is often asked of them; and,
§ Students accelerate when the teacher trusts in this Capacity. Likewise, faculty Capacity will be invoked as part of this workshop's focus on classroom redesign. Faculty will consider how weaving Love into the classroom can be an explicit strategy for leveraging Capacity and for integrating students' affective and cognitive domains.
Faculty will also be invited to consider ways to integrate Inquiry and Student Voices into the classroom. The ongoing project spearheaded by McFarland inside the Faculty Inquiry Network-"Student Voices Across California"-will serve as a backdrop.
The core concepts of Capacity, Love, Inquiry and Student Voices will lay the groundwork for entering into an intellectual and aesthetic arena called Design/Mind. Design/Mind is an AIC professional development approach where faculty collaboratively design lessons, practices, and curriculum models that reconnect faculty with their discipline, bring students to the center of their own learning and respond to the evolving dynamic found in any classroom.
Attendees will also be introduced to a network of colleagues doing similar work around the state. This workshop will be of value to anyone interested in completion, acceleration or effective teaching. Please RSVP in advance.
For more information contact:
Jennifer Mendoza, PhD
Faculty Regional Coordinator/Inland Empire,
California Community Colleges' Success Network (http://3csn.org)
BSI Professional Development Grant
(909) 384-8972 (Work)
http://fier.3csn.org/ (regional website)
An Apple A Day: Online Teaching and Learning
Visit @OneForTraining website!
For more information contact:
SBVC Professional and Organizational Development
Great News! SBVC Faculty Sabbatical Leave 2011-2012 Informational Sessions
Facilitated by: S. Courtney Hunter
To register or for more information contact:
S.Courtney Hunter, Coordinator
Professional and Organizational Development
San Bernardino Valley College
701 South Mount Vernon Avenue
San Bernardino, California 92410
(909) 384-8623
Reminder---SBVC The Great California Shake Out: Informational Session --October 20, 2010
San Bernardino Valley College
October 20, 2010
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Location: The Library Viewing Room (LIB 149)
Facilitated by: Dr. Don Buchanan
For more information contact:
Professional and Organizational Development
Coordinator, S. Courtney Hunter
E: shunter@valleycollege.edu or Ph: (909)384-8623
Take A Look: Professional Development Activity Calendar - October 2010
SBVC Professional Development
Fall 2010
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the Professional Development Department has many activities available on-campus and online for both faculty and staff.
To see what training is available during the month of October 2010, please click on the link below:
Professional Development Calendar
Please register online, follow the prompt on the training session(s) of your choice. Be sure to check the calendar regularly for new courses that may be added to the calendar after this date.
If you have comments or questions, please contact Courtney Hunter at 384-8623 or email: shunter@valleycollege.edu .
Thank you,
SBVC Professional Development Committee
Available to SBVC Staff and Faculty: 3CSN Professional Development Opportunities
California Community Colleges’ Success Network
Dear Faculty and Administration:
This academic year, 3CSN (the Basic Skills Initiative professional development grant) will offer a variety of activities, resources, and support to help you and your campus achieve the objectives of the statewide Basic Skills Initiative (BSI).
One such professional learning opportunity for this fall is our Learning In Networks for Knowledge Sharing—part 2 (LINKS 2). This second in a series of LINKS events will take a deeper look into student success in terms of completion, breaking completion into more manageable chunks known as milestones and momentum points. At these events, participants will examine data related to specific momentum points and learn how to apply tools supported by 3CSN (i.e., inquiry/gap analysis, data benchmarking, and logic models) to identify and address key momentum points that lead to successful completion of milestones such as the ESL/basic skills pathway, as well as longer completion paths such as certificates, degrees, and transfer readiness. Participants will also learn about high-leverage strategies that can be used to support, and perhaps even accelerate, pathway completion.
Three day-long (approximately 9 am to 4 pm) LINKS 2 events will be offered throughout the state:
· Friday, October 22nd in the San Diego area (California Center for the Arts, Escondido)
· Friday, October 29th in the Los Angeles area (Los Angeles Valley College)
· Friday, November 19th in the northern/central California area (Diablo Valley College)
These events are FREE and lunch will be provided. Attached is a flyer with additional information, including registration web links. Colleges are encouraged to send teams representing faculty and administration in ESL/basic skills, counseling, and other disciplines across the campus. Be sure to register early, as space is limited. For more information about these LINKS 2 events, regional 3CSN activities and support available to you locally, or general information about 3CSN, please visit our website at http://3csn.org.
We look forward to working with you as we all work to help our students with basic skills needs!
Lynn Wright and the 3CSN Coordinators: Daniel Bahner, Lisa Brewster, Jan Connal, Donna Cooper, Daryl Kinney, Jennifer Mendoza, Anniqua Rana, and Cleavon Smith
Professional Development Activity Calendar - October 2010
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder that the Professional Development Department has many activities available on-campus and online for both faculty and staff.
To see what training is available during the month of October 2010, please click on the link below:
Professional Development Calendar
Please register online, follow the prompt on the training session(s) of your choice. Be sure to check the calendar regularly for new courses that may be added to the calendar after this date.
If you have comments or questions, please contact Courtney Hunter at 384-8623 or email: shunter@valleycollege.edu .
Thank you
SBVC Professional Development Committee
From Your Desktop: SBVC Wellness Wednesday -- Promoting Health and Wellness @ Work
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